Saturday, September 10, 2005

Bye Bye Brown Redux

Alarming predictions of as many as 10,000 dead in New Orleans may have been greatly exaggerated, with authorities saying Friday that the first street-by-street sweep of the swamped city revealed far fewer corpses than feared. And, although health officials were preparing for outbreaks of deadly diseases in the wake of Hurricane Katrina, the federal Centers for Disease Control said Thursday that no epidemics had materialized so far.

Despite this and other good news, Michael Brown was becoming such a lightning rod for the hate-Bush crowd, I'm sure that the more impressionable, apolitical people were starting to lose faith in him and that was the dynamic that precipitated (his) reassignment. But once again, Bush outsmarted his haters, by removing Brown and putting him back in Washington, he got to put in....A MILITARY MAN! Damn, the left must be gnawing their tongues out, but what the heck, they got their pound of flesh. If the Dems have any decency left and quit using the bloated corpses of New Orleans minorities as their pulpits, they would stop carping and pitch in with the rest of American who is trying to help those devastated by a NATURAL DISASTER.

Louisiana Gov. Kathleen Blanco has been critical of the Bush administration's response to the disastrous aftermath of Hurricane Katrina, but, according to the mayor of New Orleans, her indecision when President Bush offered help delayed rescue efforts and cost lives. Both Mrs. Blanco and Mayor Nagin, who left New Orleans for the safety of Baton Rouge, before the storm hit, should both share significant blame for death and suffering. Compared to the New York Governor and mayor after the 9/11 attacks, Kathleen Blanco and Ray Nagin weren't exactly Pataki and Guiliani and they'll have to answer for their own actions when this crisis abates.

Furthermore, by reassigning Brown to Washington, President Bush can now demand that EVERYONE take the same decisive action. When the multiple layers of ineptitude are exposed in Louisiana's Democratic leadership, everyone involved will be held accountable. The usual suspects will moan and stammer about FEMA’s ineptness or racial profiling, but in the end, even Brown will look competent compared to the local Louisiana leaders. I suspect KKKarl Rove is using the "old sweater" strategy against the Dems, pull out one small thread and watch them slowly unravel. He really is an Evil genius.

(special thanks to libswurstnitemare™)


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