The Press – Fighting for freedom in all the wrong places
The past six years certainly have been busy ones for the Main Stream Press (MSP) or, as they are more affectionately called here on the Right side of the dial, ‘The Drive-By Media’. Every effort by the Bush Administration to fight the War on Terrorism has been met, by the MSP, with righteous accusations that our Civil Liberties are being trampled upon: imbedding reporters, interrogating enemy combatants, intercepting terrorist communications, investigating terrorist finances, incarcerating enemy prisoners, enacting military tribunals and observing rules of engagement. So far, despite their best imaginative and conspiratorial thinking, the MSP has failed to actually unearth any violations of our Civil Rights.
Meanwhile, these erstwhile defenders of Freedom have failed to report on the actual demise of democratic institutions in other parts of the world such as; Russia, Nicaragua and Venezuela. Obviously, it would be unrealistic to think that the MSP would be courageous enough to investigate Civil and Human Rights abuses under the dictatorial control of truly oppressive regimes. They are called the “Axis of Evil” because the term ‘Lawless’ just doesn’t quite capture the human deprivation that they tolerate.
The MSP has been effective in one regard. Through their relentless campaign of unfounded accusations, they have effectively weakened President Bush politically, to the point where he didn’t have the international support to champion internal, democratic reforms being undermined by Putin, Ortega and Chavez. Despite the falsity of their reports, the President’s moral stature was constantly undermined by the MSP making it possible, for the real violators of civil and human rights, to deflect legitimate criticisms away from their own repressive policies.
For all the MSP’s ‘supposed’ efforts to protect the powerless people in society, Americans have never been freer, more prosperous and more educated than at any time in history. Sadly, the same cannot be said for many millions of people around the world, who’ve seen their hard-fought freedoms disappear, during the past decade, while (the great self-proclaimed defenders of democracy and human rights) the MSP kept silent on their behalf.
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