Obama J. Simpson
I’m 55 years old and until last month, I’d never had a racist thought pass between my ears or over my lips. But now, after a few weeks of Rev. Jeremiah Wright hating on the White Man, Barack Obama"s shuck ‘in and jiv’in under the TV spotlights and Black journalists, ministers and campaign supporters defending the indefensible – I’m fast becoming a real US-American racist!
When the Primary Season began, Race was not a campaign issue. Obama didn’t want to be known as the ‘Black Candidate’, none of the Republican nominees wanted to make race an issue and, even when Oprah endorsed Obama, the issue was her dissing the first woman to run for president rather than promoting a man simply because he was black.
What offends me the most is the smug elitism that both Barack and Rev. Wright exude. It’s this air of superiority about Black Liberation Theology, that is even more offensive than their ‘blame America first’ and Hamas = victims, Israel = terrorists drivel, that is turning me against my fellow African Americans.
Now Rev. Wright says; that when E.F. Farrakhan speaks all blacks listen, that Minister Farrakhan didn’t call Judaism a “gutter religion” rather that Zionism was in the gutter (only trouble is that Zionism is not a religion) and that Obama’s just another politician and come Nov. 5th he’ll still be a pastor (I thought Obama said Wright had retired and that if he hadn’t, Obama would’ve left the church).
Obama claims he’s the one to unite all Americans, but he can’t even get his angry Black “uncle” to halt his hating. Obama claims he possesses superior judgment to that of the Commander In Chief, the majority of Congress and the Joint Chiefs of Staff, but he didn’t have the good sense to 86 Jeremiah, William Ayers or Tony Rezko. He’s content to cede Iraq to Al Qaeda, to put Israel in the sites of a nuclear Iran and to invalidate trade agreements throughout the Americas.
When John McCain defeats Obama in November, I’m worried that the Rev. Wrights of the world will blame his loss on racism and do everything they can to set back race relations 50 years. If the DNC super delegates select Hillary in Denver, these Race Hustlers will set of race riots in every major city in America and if Hillary Clinton should be elected president don’t expect ‘America’s first Black President’ Bill Clinton to bridge the racial divide that Obama’s candidacy has resurrected.
At least Obama’s Return to Racism candidacy has knocked Michael Vick, O.J. Simpson and illegal immigration off the front pages, so maybe as the Barack & Michele Show fades from the national spotlight, my newfound racism will fade away as well.........I hope so.
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