Saturday, June 14, 2008

The Mighty Obamer Strikes Out

In his most Current Screed, former musical entertainer turned partisan hate-monger, Garrison Keillor gushes ad nauseum his growing arousal for that “skinny young black guy” – Barack Obama (There’s a lot to catch your eye in Obama, 6/14/08). Keillor concludes by saying, “that when Obama launches forth [against his political foes], he is throwing nothing but strikes.”

Strike One! Obama kicks Pastor Wright and his entire religious community of 20 years to the curb.

Strike Two! Obama tosses out his just convicted political patron - Tony Rezko, his long-time political supporters, convicted Felons – Bill Ayers and Bernadine Dohrn along with numerous anti-Semitic and anti-Israel foreign policy advisors.

Strike Three! Obama forces out VP Search Committee Chairman, Jim Johnson who got $7,000,000 of special ‘Ear Marked’ loans.

For once I agree with Keillor, Obama has thrown strikes – but the only ones making it over the plate are ‘friendly-fire’ shots killing-off his own people and his own past. The question is, by the time Election Day rolls around will ANYONE from Obama’s past still
be left on his team or will they have all struck out?


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