Monday, May 30, 2005

Denver Three - Clear and Present Danger

First it was Sen. Salazar (D-CO), next it was Rep. Waxman (D-CA) and now Denver Post Columnist, Fred Brown is questioning the preemptive removal of three (3) radical Democrat operatives from Bush's Soc. Sec. forum in Denver. Denver Three take to the road, (5/29/05). Funny how ever since this story was first reported, almost no one mentions that, in addition to these three thirty-somethings having a "No more blood for oil" bumper-sticker on their vehicle, they were ALL wearing "No more Lies" T-shirts UNDER their outwear...but they had decided not to unveil them - sure, I believe them...right! Any question that they were there to disrupt the President, to blow-up the event, to get Media attention? Don't Terrorists hope to achieve the same things when they "literally" blow themselves up in a crowd? Investigate this incident? How about awarding the Medal of Freedom to the anonymous citizen who single-handedly sniffed-out these political terrorists and pre-emptively removed the threat. There is no Freedom of Speech to yell "fire" in a crowded movie theatre and ever since 9/11 our primary concern is rooting out the enemies of Free Speech BEFORE they have the opportunity to strike. Today, Al-Zarqawi's weapon of choice against American soldiers is the Improvised Explosive Device (IED). How ironic that the Denver Three are similarly planting their own roadside bombs at town hall meetings all over our Country. Fred Brown is right, the Media should be asking more questions, questions about why are these three insurgents still free and when are their 15 minutes over?


At 8:12 PM, Blogger CouchPolitico said...

It wasn't just Ken Salazar who was critical of the way the Three were ejected; Wayne Allard, Bob Beauprez, Marilyn Musgrave, Tom Tancredo and (not surprisingly), John Salazar, Diana DeGette and Wayne Udall also have said it was wrong. The only member of the congressional delegation who has been silent is Joel Hefley.

Fred Brown


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