Barry and his Blacks
Unbeknownst to Mayor Hickenlooper (d) and everyone else in attendance, African-American singer Rene Martin combined the words of the Black National Anthem and the melody of the National Anthem at the 2008 Denver state of the city address. Unlike an NHL Hockey game, where both the Canadian and American National Anthems are sung back-to-back, when teams from both countries are represented, nobody present insisted that the traditional National Anthem be sung before the official proceedings began.
Is this but one example of a new-found Black militancy that we should expect to see, now that The Dalai Bhama has ascended to National prominence? Will increasing vocal demands for Slavery reparations be next, because Michelle Obama was born angry? Have the broadcast preachings of Reverend Jeremiah Wrightmare enflamed, an entire generation, of African-Americans to get up in the White Man’s face?
Far from “bringing people together”, Barama’s candidacy appears to be radicalizing the public comportment and personal behavior of Black Americans against their White brothers. It seems that Black Pride, in Barry’s presumptive nomination, has quickly turned into expectations of Black Payback, echoes of Black Power and is eerily reminiscent of the Gay Pride movement, which transmogrified into Militant Homosexuality, near-naked public parades and demands for same-sex marriage.
When Joe Lieberman was on the democrat ticket in 2000 did American Jews demand a kosher chicken in every pot? Did Southerners try to change America the Beautiful to Dixie when Carter and Clinton ran for National Office? And did Northeastern Liberals insist that Chowder be added to the official FDA food pyramid, just because John Kerry took a few months off from the Senate?
The only thing more extreme, than Blacks pushing to remake America in their own image (if Oblah-blah gets elected), will be the wrath they’ll rain down on this Country when he’s defeated!
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