So long, Mr. President
Bush failed to root out and imprison traitors in the FBI, CIA and State Dept. that leaked nat’l security secrets to the NY Times. Bush failed to arrest the seditious ownership and management of the MSM that became nothing more than the public relations arm of and the DailyKos. Bush failed to use the 'Bully Pulpit' to look Americans in the eye and expose the hypocrisy and lies of Congressional democrats. The Bush Justice Dept. should have arrested Valerie Plame, Joe Wilson, Sean Penn, Michael Moore and Oliver Stone. Bush should have destroyed Iran's nuclear program, overthrown Chavez and built a mote (w/alligators) along the Mexico/US border. Bush should have held Clinton responsible; for 9/11, Mayor Ray Nagen for the deaths in New Orleans and Collin Powell for failing to gain Turkish approval for the northern front, to enter into Iraq, and causing the subsequent Sunni Uprising and Al Qaeda opening. Bush - shoulda woulda coulda, but he's the consummate gentleman and never said a negative word about any of his political enemies and brought dignity back to the Presidency (after Bubba disgraced the office). He earned my respect and eternal gratitude, but he got pummeled in the MSM and leaves office with his head held high and 28% approval rating. C'est La Vie!
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