Tuesday, September 07, 2010

Quran on fire!

I like and admire Gen. Petraeus, but in this case I disagree with him. Pastor Jones purchased his Quran, it’s his property and in America, he can burn his own stuff if he wants to. So, liberals, who claim that the Muslims who want to build their 15-story Mosque @ Ground Zero have the right to do so, should be lining up behind Jones to exercise those same freedoms. If Islam didn't want Jones to own a Quran they shouldn't have sold it to him in the first place. If he was going to burn "their" Quran or if members of the US Military were going to burn a Quran as an officially sanctioned activity - then it should not be allowed. Lastly, if by Jones burning his own property in Florida, radical Muslim extremists in Afghanistan decide to emerge from their caves and attack heavily-armed, well-trained US soldiers in the light of day, so much the better. It'll be like the famous Roach Motel – they’ll check in, but they won't check out!


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