No Good Justification for DeGette Vote Against Israel
In your July 23, 2004 edition, IJN reporter Andrea Jacobs allowed Rep. Degette (d-CO) to claim, three times, that HR 713 was being used by Republicans for “political gain”, but failed to, even once, ask the Democrat politician how her NO vote would help Israel.
Even if Degette’s spinning (regarding Republican motives) was valid, reporter Jacobs didn’t even pursue why (her) voting against a GOP sponsored resolution was more important than voting in support of America’s “only true ally in the Middle East”.
Degette (d) stated that she would prefer to support “serious legislation promoting the security of Israel and peace in the Middle East”. Last time I checked, that was the job of the Knesset and the various Palestinian representative bodies, not the U.S. Congress. To think that America could or should legislate political solutions for Israel and its neighbors illustrates how much of an elitist Degette (d) really is, and what could be a more elitist institution than the International Court.
Does Degette (d) really hate working with Republicans so much that she’d be willing instead, to sell Israel down the river? Or, is she so in love with the One World Internationalists that she’d prefer to give Israel’s enemies a political victory, rather than vote for a bi-partisan, non-binding resolution? To me, it looks like Degette’s (d) rabid distain for her political opponents and her eagerness to abdicate national judicial sovereignty are the true justifications for Diane Degette’s recent vote against Israel.
Next time the IJN publishes a Degette Press Release, why pretend to present it as journalism? Just draw a border around it and make her campaign office pay for the space.