Sunday, July 31, 2005

Radical Rabbi Rips Religious Right

In the Intermountain Jewish News (7/29/05), from an article entitled; Democrats need spirituality, Rabbi Michael Lerner preaches that Republicans and the Religious Right “get it wrong”, that (their) analysis, regarding the state of spirituality in America, “is fundamentally flawed” and that “(they) misuse G-d and religion”. Despite these bellicose accusations, nowhere in (that) story does the good Rabbi provide even anecdotal evidence in support of his sweeping indictments, much less any facts.

Quite to the contrary; when Lerner bemoans an “ethos of greed and materialism driving Western culture”, he prays that Democrats undergo the changes necessary to “build a movement”. As to the Religious Right, Lerner tells us that (they) have “cornered the market “and will “continue (their) ascendancy”. Therefore, the Rabbi must feel that the Religious Right has transcended the “culture of greed” and is directly addressing the “human hunger for meaning [in life]” already.

In his quixotic effort to defeat Republicans, Rabbi Lerner wants to infuse “spirituality” into Democrat issues, but never once mentions instilling (in Democrats) a genuine belief and reverence for G-d and his “issues”. One gets the impression, that for Lerner, it’s all about; “framing the issue” rather than changing hearts, re-packaging the same old Liberal message, as opposed to voicing the consistent “core” values of Conservatism and then following it all up with a little “how can we fool ‘em today” Democrat song & dance.

Rabbi Lerner is correct when he states, “there is a huge spiritual crisis in America”. That being the case; why try to change the Liberal Pharisees? Why not join the rising tide of Jewish Republicans who already embrace people of all faiths? Lerner proclaims that all will be well, “if only the Third World was permitted to extort 5% of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) from the G-8 countries” and that leftists should “take back G-d and the White House”. Perhaps Lerner’s partisan, political energies would be better expended getting his own house in order and redirecting his efforts toward asking G-d to take him back.

Monday, July 25, 2005

To Live & Die in Quillenia

In, If Roe vs. Wade is overturned (Denver Post 7/24/05); Ed Quillen twists himself into a human pretzel trying to justify abortion. But if one were to accept Quillen’s logic; that abortion is an extension of an implied constitutional “right of privacy” whose moral responsibility rests with the individual, what then would prevent applying those same criteria to murder?
My Mother used to joke,” that it’s too bad abortion isn’t legal until a child is 21”. Perhaps in Ed Quillen’s world that wouldn’t be considered a joke, so why stop at 21? If someone, anyone presents a problem or even a mild headache, invite him or her over for dinner or a hand of Gin Rummy and then in the privacy of your own home – off ‘em! As long as you accept the moral responsibility of your actions, Quillen and his ilk don’t have a problem. Oh, and don’t worry about that little issue of “mutually consenting adults” – just repeat over and over, “I don’t consider you an adult, to me you’re not even human and your continued presence on this Earth is bad for my “mental health”. This mantra has provided all the rational necessary for Pro-Choicers to embrace abortion, for even if there is no explicit right to murder in the Bill of Rights, there could be provisions for murder and it should, therefore, seem logical (to any good Lefty) that since government claimed power over abortion in Roe vs. Wade, (it) could just as reasonably up the age limit to include adults.
Welcome to Ed’s World; where “sanctity of life” is just a punch-line, where anyone who thinks, that the decision in Roe was a little bit worse than just “faulty”, gets labeled a Zealot and where it’s ok to play the “class envy card” when your constitutional arguments don’t hold water. In Quillenia, they’re just making it up as they go and as long as it feels good - they’ll do it. But, come October, there’ll be a new judge in town and by then, Quillen’s techniques of: fear mongering, name-calling and divisiveness just won’t matter much anymore.

Tuesday, July 19, 2005

July 19th, 2005

Tonight, the President nominated the first new Supreme Court Justice in 11 years and before they had even turned to leave the podium, Democrats and “Lifestyle Liberals” were already in overdrive promising (threatening) to grill this nominee until he’s revealed to be a radical, anti-abortionist Neanderthal.

Forget that his legal prowess and temperament are universally respected, that he was unanimously approved for his current post (by a lesser 51-49 Senate) just 20 months ago and that nothing is coming out of his closet including skeletons.

They say it’s about ascertaining the nominee’s personal beliefs on “important” social issues and determining if (he) is “outside the mainstream”, but we all know that its really all about one thing – Abortion and the possible over-turning of Roe vs. Wade. It’s always been about Roe, that’s their bottom line, their litmus test, their raison d’ete!

What is it about Abortion that so unifies the Left?

Coincidently, I found the answer, in a one sentence quote, from this morning’s newspaper. On page 5A, my Rocky Mountain News ran an article headlined, Abortion photos stir up anger, which reported on the annual Operation Rescue protest, along the downtown Denver mall, featuring a huge color photo depicting aborted body parts. The sight prompted a 20-year old, male passerby to comment,”It makes me angry. They’re making people feel worse about their sins.”

What makes his quote so revealing and genuine is the impromptu candor of the spontaneous and unrehearsed comment, “worse about their sins”. For once, someone actually said it like it is! He didn’t think to parse his words, to be politically correct or to impute the sophistication of those holding vigil. This young man didn’t say, that when confronted about the realities of Abortion, (people are being made to) feel worse about their choices or what they do in the privacy of their own home, but worse about their sins, worse about what they already know is wrong. When asked, the usual professional “Pro-Choice” suspects are apt to cloud the issue with their deep, philosophical concerns’ over Fetal Science or Gender Equality, but what they really know is that abortion-on-demand is immoral despite their ability to trivialize and rationalize genocide.

As evidenced by this unguarded quotation, the one thing the Left absolutely abhors is being confronted or reminded of their own guilt. As long as Roe stands, they can continue to hide behind their precious law, denying that which they know exists already, in their own hearts.

Tonight, America has a nominee, tomorrow a judge and in the days ahead another judge and maybe a third or a forth. Someday that divisive law will fall and like the opening of curtains in a room long-shrouded; the cockroaches of Liberalism will either emerge from their self-loathing into the Light of Life or scurry off, deeper yet, into the Darkness of Denial.