Wednesday, September 27, 2006

In like a Lion, out like a lamb

A quick search on reveals that over the past four years, 119 headlines have appeared about Enron alone. Yet, on the day the Andrew Fastow, former Enron CFO and Bernie Ebbers, former World-Com chief went to prison, their stories didn’t make it out of Section B; no front page headlines, no teasers on page 2A and as of 9:00pm this same day, no mention on the Paper’s Webpage. And had he survived, I suspect Ken Lay would have also gone to jail today as well. Also of note, nowhere in these reports was there any mention of the Bush Justice Department which successfully prosecuted these corporate criminals. Not surprising, coverage by the rest of the Main Stream Media (MSM) throughout America was about the same.
When it came to judging both Corporate America and the Bush Administration, there wasn’t a headline big enough. Will any of us live long enough to forget the name “Kenny Boy” which the Press repeatedly used to try and associate a criminal with the President? And how many times did you hear the words ‘Republicans’, ‘slap on the wrist’ and ‘corporate scandal’ mentioned in the same sentence, when all along it was Ashcroft and Gonzales who brought this Nation’s biggest cheats to justice.
The real ‘scandal’ here is how quickly and often the MSM assumes the worst about George W. Bush. Once again, despite their best efforts to indict the President in the Press, the truth has been made plain for all to see – that is, if you can find it hiding between Mortgage Marketplace and Obituaries & Memorials. .

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

RavDav on Rosh Hashana

AMIENU contributer, Amnon Hadary questions the utility of observing Rosh Hashana for two days as if he were an efficiency consultant for the Iamabigmacher Corporation. What he neglects to mention is that it is not for Man to challenge G-d's wisdom, but rather for Man to make the most out of these days as possible. Hadary also states that "the new year celebration that takes place in the fall is an academy award to God for having performed so well in the year just past and an anxious inducement to do just a bit better in the coming one." Now I remember hearing about American Indian Medicine Men prostrating themselves before their Rain Gods, but for Jews, Hashem is much more than just a good cloud-seeder.
Shofar So Good.

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Enough Polling, let's Vote!

I don't know about the rest of you, but after five days of Banner Election Headlines based on one questionable poll, I'm half expecting the upcoming election to be cancelled altogether. Why waste time and money exercising our right to vote when the Rocky Mountain News/CBS 4 already has decided every issue and race? What a great idea to simplify the election process - just let the first 500 people who answer their phones elect everybody for the rest of us. Forget the fact that for such surveys to be considered valid, they require more than twice that number of responses. Don't let a little thing like a 4.38 margin of error stand in the way of real Election Day results. Which means that these suspect surveys could reflect an actual 8.76% error and that doesn't even take into account the normal biases of evening phone polling.
I can understand why the Rocky/CBS 4 would rather spend five days analyzing poll results - which is easy, as opposed to doing actual reporting on the issues and the candidates - which is hard. Just because the Media is lazy and wants to decide this election for us doesn't mean they'll get away with it, especially if informed and responsible voters use this survey for fish wrap and don't surrender their vote to the Media.

Monday, September 18, 2006

Where have you gone, Lee Iacocca?

MARKETPLACE (9/18/06) Asks the question, Is 'Dr.Z' Kaput as Chrysler's TV Pitchman? Regardless of whether American consumers knew Dieter Zetsche was DaimlerChrysler's CEO or thought he was an actor, this campaign was destined to flop from the get-go. In general, and particularly since French, Russian and German political leaders tried to derail our effort to remove Saddam, many Americans have little interest in buying anything European. Moreover, Red Staters nationwide take offense at being lectured to by some arrogant, condescending mustachioed Euro!
Maybe Chrysler's products have been improved with German engineering, but patriotic Americans aren't happy that Detroit had to team up with foreigners to remain competitive and they certainly don't want it thrown up in their faces on TV. The only time this ad campaign even came close to hitting home was when that, "It's got a Hemi" kid with the sleeveless-plaid shirt and bad teeth was cast as the production shoot Director dismissing Dr. Z as just an "actor" and a bad one at that! Joe Six-Pack getting superior German technology without being made to feel inferior, now that's a commercial that not only would get industry attention, but would sell cars too.

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Sidi says and the RavDav answers

Submitted by Sidi Mansur:
If Hamas recognize Israel today, and renounces violence, then all will be well and the European Union, the United States and Israel will keep funds rolling to Palestinian Authority, then "HOW ABOUT ISRAEL RECOGNIZING THAT OCCUPATION IS WRONG, AND ENDS IT, AND RECOGNIZING THE RIGHT OF RETURN OF MILLIONS OF PALESTINIAN REFUGEES?"
RavDav answers:
In case you hadn't noticed, Israel is the democratic state with democratic institutions, rule of law and a kickass military. And, oh, by the way Israel now has a very big wall seperating itself from both Hamas and the PA . And if the Palestinians have any hope besides a Civil War, it is they, not Israel that must reform themselves and they must do it soon. Sorry Sidi, reality has a way of trumping philosophical banter. Better luck in your next life.
Sidi says:
You are right RavDav! The nuclear power Israel with democratic institutions, the rule of law and a kickass military (to use your words); the Israel that occupies people who are defenseless; the Israel which builds walls around it as it pleases; the Israel, which is recognized by the EU, the U.S, and the U.N, is still begging to be recognized by disorganized, under-funded HAMAS!
Reality has a way of trumping philosophical banter INDEED!
RavDav answers:
If you're waiting for Israel to commit suicide and give Palestinians the Right of Return, you'll die a thousand times before that will ever happen. In the meanwhile, I'm counting down the days until Fatah and Hamas embroil the West Bank and Gaza in Civil War. I can't tell you how refreshing it will be to see your team killing each other instead of innocent Israelis. In the end, after all the nut-job militants have been forever silenced, Israel will be there; safe and secure behind its Security Fence ready to make a real and lasting Peace with a more humble and compliant Palestinian population. Your type of irrational demands is what is keeping your people down.
Sidi says:
Over 50 years on, it is time for us all to realize that Palestine was not a land without people for a people without land. No irrational demand RavDav, justice for Palestinians to give what rightful theirs it is all what they ask! And remember a journey of a thousand miles must begin with a single step, and withdrawal from Gaza was that step. I commend Sharon for his bold step despite opposition and even threat to his own life then. Again yes, it is time we all realize that "PALESTINE WAS NOT A LAND WITHOUT PEOPLE FOR A PEOPLE WITHOUT LAND", and the answer to the conflict lies on this very statement. George Bernad Shaw once said, "No question is so difficult to answer as that to which the answer is obvious" The international community knows the answer, the U.S knows the answer the Israelis know the answer, hence the term "land for peace", but it is amazing how everyone is running away from the answer!!!! THE TRUTH WILL SET US ALL FREE!
RavDav answers:
If you have to go back 60 years to find justification for becoming a Homicide-Bomber, why not go back 160 years and make the same lame case for the American Indians? How about some whacked-out Norwegian Vikings strapping exploding Rosetta Stones to their chests to kill those damn Europeans who had the audacity to set up shop on the American Continent 500 years after Erik The Red first stuck his sword in a Minnesota Rock?
Oh wait, what about going all the way back to the year 70 b.c. when Jews last had a little temple built around the Dome of The Rock in Jerusalem? I guess that would trump your miserable little Palestinian claim by about 2000 years! Face the facts Sidi; in the grand scope of History, your team is owed nothing! Zero, zilch, nada. Now IF you guys start acting like civilized people, i.e. no suicide-bombing, kidnapping or "Death to Israel" rallies and text books, maybe the nice Israelis will give you some more land on the West Bank that you can destroy just like your friends in Gaza did. Now that's the truth - and accepting it will set YOU free.