Friday, April 13, 2007

Imus Inquisition redux

In the wake of the Don Imus inquisition, Bill Menezes (director of Colorado Media Matters) is only too happy to throw some of his own partisan fuel on the fire, in his Speakout column (Rocky Mountain News 4/13/07). Menezes, proposes Jihad on local conservative Talk Show hosts for citing facts and statistics, which he disagrees with. Meanwhile, over on Air America, local morning talkers, Jay Marvin & John M. get a pass from Menezes, the Media Matters guru and self-appointed arbiter of truth, justice and the American way. Perhaps Menezes wasn’t yet awake in mid-February, when Marvin called President Bush a “criminal and retard” to which his sidekick added, “You can’t trust anything Bush says, he lies about everything”. Again in early March, John M. said “Republicans run every agency in the Federal Government and purposefully deny poor people benefits”. These statements go well beyond a simple disagreement over facts; these statements are derogatory, hateful and seditious. And to make matters even worst, John M. simultaneously masquerades as a legitimate journalist, delivering his own version of the News on other Clear Channel radio stations. It takes a strong constitution to monitor the endless hours of political-porn spewing-out from the hosts and listeners on Air America, but if what’s being broadcast over the public airwaves really mattered to Menezes, he’d first advocate using his “accountability’ bar-of-soap on the M&M Boys in Boulder. By comparison, these guys make Imus look darn near holy!