Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Ameinu throws G-d overboard

Now that it got the Gaza giveback it wanted, the uber-liberal, Jewish organization, Ameinu couldn’t wait to throw its religious allies overboard. In a Press Release, dated 8/24/05, Ameinu publicly called for the Israeli government to prosecute to the full extent of the law those infiltrators who used violence against the IDF and police. Up until the Pullout was completed, Ameinu and their Labor party friends needed as many Sharon supporters as possible to maintain majority public support for Disengagement. Despite civil disobedience against Police and the IDF, in the months leading up to the actual withdrawal, Ameinu didn’t advocated punishing those protesting the Disengagement. Being careful, not to offend their “conservative allies of convenience”, until they had achieved their goal of giving back “occupied” land to the PLO.

Why is Ameinu the only Jewish Organization now calling for harsh reprisals against people who protested, the return of Gaza, based on religious principles? From its own Mission Statement; Ameinu envisions Israel as a Jewish and democratic state, at peace with its neighbors, committed to religious pluralism and social and economic justice for all its citizens. It is my contention that in the case of Ameinu, religious pluralism is a euphuism for, equivocation of Jewish Law just as their quest for social and economic justice equates to a rejection of Democratic Capitalism. I would suggest that the Israel of Ameinu’s dreams is; Jewish in character but devoid of Judaism, open to all of G-d’s children, but hostile to any mention of G-d himself and committed to orthodox socialism in a society that would gleefully commit Orthodox Jews to jail.

Their temporary alliance with Sharon and Likud must have been so distasteful to Ameinu, that it couldn’t wait to wash its hands of any semblance of mutual support. And just in case their natural, liberal allies might not think the Divorce was final, Ameinu called-in the cops to haul out their religious garbage and made sure everyone knew about it! So much for airing ones dirty laundry in private.
For the organization Ameinu, that advocates, “turning the other cheek” (on decades of Palestinian-sanctioned violence against Israelis) and negotiating more territorial giveaways, leading the cry for arresting Jews of Faith is hypocritical if not sinister.

Despite Ameinu’s hope that Gaza will be the first step in a Great Israeli Land Giveaway, Sharon and his governing coalition plan to wait for Abbas and his boys to disarm Hamas and Jihad before taking a next step. By the time that happens, even the secular faithless at Ameinu might get religion, G-d willing.

Monday, August 29, 2005

What's up on Planet Bushinsky?

In his Shrinking Planet column (InterMountain Jewish News - 8/26/05), Jay Bushinsky proclaims that, “Israel’s cardinal error was that it did not have a political program for the civilian (Palestinian) population”, resulting in the necessity to ultimately abandon the Gaza. Mr. Bushinsky goes on to blame Zionism for its obsession with maintaining the Jewish majority and character of Israel.

One wonders what planet Bushinsky has been living on? It must be the one where memories of the Holocaust, Pogroms and Spanish Inquisition have been forgotten.
In his land of denial (not a river in Egypt), Bushinsky absolves the surrounding Arab countries of any responsibility for their Palestinian brothers. He ignores the Arab-Israeli Wars, reoccurring Intifadas and vows of Israel’s destruction by Hamas, Jihad and the PLO. On planet Bushinsky, gentle Gazans would be “grow’in large” in downtown Tel Aviv while Israel’s Jews would be shrinking into oblivion.

Israel withdrew, one-tenth of one percent of its population from the Gaza, for economic & security reasons. Just like a small business, that opens too many remote outlets for the owner to effectively oversee, Israel re-evaluated its bottom line and decided to close their Strip locations. Without Jewish settlements strung-out along the length and breadth of the Gaza, the number and frequency of humiliating, security checks will be reduced, tensions will ease and then both Israelis and Palestinians can get back to the business of “opening more stores.”

Israel’s security wall has dramatically reduced the number of terrorist attacks and it’s not even completed yet. For every terror incident stopped, a retaliatory Israeli strike never occurred and the anger, on both sides, appears to be lessening. In the end, fences do make good neighbors and offer the best hope for a more peaceful future. And as long as each side takes care of its own business, neither will find itself the odd nation out.

Sunday, August 28, 2005

The Liberal Pretzel Shop

Carl Levin, Dianne Feinstein, Ron Wyden, Evan Bayh, Barbara A. Milkulski, and Jon S. Corzine all sat on the Senate Select Intelligence Committee and John D. Rockefeller IV, was the Committee Vice Chair that reviewed the exact same information, prior to Operation Iraqi Freedom, as did the Bush Administration. Is it the position of pre-war critics that they were (are) smarter and able to better read intel reports than these leading Democrats? If their rational, for not honoring President Bush leading the overthrow of Israel’s arch-enemy, is that he wasn’t as smart as his critics, then I am only left to conclude that, had it been up to those critics, Saddam would today, still be threatening Israel’s very existence.

I believe that a disproportionate amount of Media attention has been placed on the number of casualties and too little reporting on the number of enemy terrorists killed, the heroic actions of our troops and the overwhelming numbers of Iraqis who appreciate our steadfast commitment to seeing the job through. I remain concerned about the future and how long it will take to see a truly free Iraq. I look forward to our soldiers returning home, but suspect that somewhere on the Iraq/Syria border a new “area 51” has been constructed, which will ensure our ability to rapidly address future security threats. And that’s just fine with me! Surely, all people of good will pray for our success in Iraq. No one can, and most would not, turn back the hands of time, so protests and negativity only serve to embolden our enemies. Therefore, if I could actually “put words in the mouths” of those huddled together in Camp Casey, they’d be; words of thanks that (since 9/11) terrorists have been confounded where they live and have been prevented from attacking us where we live, words of understanding and patience, recognizing that the tasks we’ve undertaken are difficult but critical and words of pride, knowing that the only country capable of spreading Freedom and supporting Democracy has not shirked its responsibilities, in our time.

I’m not sure if what I've blogged might be considered “harsh”, but I do know that, anti-war activist Cindy Sheehan, who is now purportedly "channeling" her slain son, Casey, from heaven, suggesting she can hear him saying, 'George Bush, you are really an idiot’, would meet the “harsh” test. What about the Tel Aviv couple arrested last Friday, who admitted to placing a pig’s head covered in a black-and-white checkered kaffiyeh with the words "The Prophet Muhammad” written on it, in the Hassen Bek Mosque of Jaffa, in hopes, they said, of instigating area Muslims to riot in order to derail the Gaza evacuation plan, which was at its height during the incident. Police found a second pig's head in the suspects' home refrigerator with which the couple said they were planning to repeat the attack. Definitely candidates for designation as “harsh”. While we’re at it, let’s not forget Harry Belafonte who, during Campaign 2004, called Colin Powell and Condi Rice “house slaves” and “tyrants,” and who just recently proclaimed that “Hitler had a lot of Jews high up in the hierarchy of the Third Reich,”. That friends, was harsh! Sen. Minority Leader Harry Reid (d-NV) calling president Bush a 'loser' – Harsh. And one of my all time favorites from the Impeachment groove-bag, fanatical Bill Clinton supporter, Alec Baldwin appearing on the NBC show Late Night With Conan O’Brien and telling the audience: "I’m thinking to myself, if we were in other countries, we would all, right now, all of us together….would go down to Washington and we would stone Henry Hyde [one of the Republican congressmen leading the impeachment effort] to death! We would stone him to death! Wait!… Shut up! No, shut up! I’m not finished. We would stone Henry Hyde to death, and we would go to their homes and we’d kill their wives and their children! We would kill their families!" What did liberals think when they first heard such statements? Did they think (they) were harsh? Did they give these leading icons of the Left a pass or G-d forbid, did they cheer them on? My previous blogs may be direct and forceful, but compared to this sampling of democrat hate-speech, mine was anything but harsh.

As to the Main Stream Media’s suggestion that Republicans should be reconsidering their strident, conservative positions, in light of Chuck Hagel’s latest pontifications on TV, let me assure (them) that it’ll take a lot more than Hagel going “wobbly in the knees” to throw us off our game. Did lefties throw-in the towel when Mrs. Clinton voted to invade Iraq, voted twice in favor of Supplemental Budgets for Iraq and most recently, agreed with Bush that “we need to stay the course in Iraq”? And as far as the President’s numbers, the only poll I care about is the one taken when America goes to the ballot box and elects conservative Republicans in ever increasing numbers. The other 729 days, in between, are not much more than noise on the boob tube. So like I’ve been saying for years, turn off CNN and discover how pleasant and optimistic the real world looks.

Lastly, I disagree that liberals have seriously been debating the great issues of our day. I would suggest that when Conservatives attempt to address every point raised with facts and opinion, the Left presents an ever-moving target:
They say that, “We’re embarrassed to live in such a rich country that has so many impoverished people and over 40 million people without health insurance, are areas about which Bush has had little or no policy initiatives”. In response, a dozen or more, specific Health Insurance programs, already implemented by Bush and another half dozen economic accomplishments addressing their concerns were presented. Instead of responding to those points, they just move on to something else. Should we assume that these Lefties are no longer embarrassed to live in America as they now realize that, the facts make more sense than simple liberal platitudes?
I challenge the Left’s preoccupation, with an Iraq body count and Cindy Sheehan, as purely political and they won’t even respond to the charge. Are we to conclude, by their silence, that they acknowledge how morally bankrupt this strategy really is?
I say that recent History has proven that Oslo was bust and that “land for Peace” was a failed strategy. Meanwhile, liberals continue to advocate unconditional peace talks but never address these realities. Do they think that Hammas and Jihad are just going to give it all up and go away quietly? How do they reconcile peace negotiations with an enemy that has forsworn Israel’s right to exist? How come they won’t or can’t give answers? If their liberal philosophy is so rock-solid, what facts, what realities is it founded on? They claim to be committed liberals, but why do they remain so, particularly in light of the stark realities which comprise the real world?

Simply saying that people disagree doesn’t cut it. Intellectual honestly demands that someone have reasons (supported by facts), above and beyond just “feel-good” emotions, for the positions they ascribe to. If liberals have the courage to debate, we should gladly listen to any facts they bring. But, if the best they can muster are time-worn liberal mantras, based solely on feelings, and daily talking points – they should be prepared to have their old-world, comfort-zone rocked and their self-image challenged. It’s no fair dodging the issues or hiding from the truth, by calling us “mean” people, taking their marbles and going home.

Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Cindy Sheehan Undone

Have any of President Bush’s critics ever studied how many years of “gorilla” resistance the Allies had to endure after Germany and Japan formally surrendered? 1,800 deaths is 1/25th the number of Americans killed each year in traffic accidents. Are war critics proportionately concerned about highway safety? 1,800 deaths is 1/3 the number of US soldiers killed in a single training exercise preparing for D-Day. Not even combat fatalities and all on just one day. Saddam is estimated to have killed approx. 1,800 Iraqi civilians every month over his 35-year reign. How quickly they’ve forgotten those victims. Based on 2003 statistics, there were approx. 1,800 homicides in California alone. Does that mean that for someone to favor the apprehension of (those) killers, he/she must become an LA cop? And where is the daily wrenching of emotion for those brave officers?

Yes, 1,800 soldiers matter, one soldier matters, but giving Iraq a chance to become a bull work for Freedom in the heart of Middle East is worth it. And yes, if my boys chose to enlist, I’d support them 100% and would honor their contribution if they were to die. But the whole premise, that one’s support of US foreign policy is not legitimate, unless you’ve either served in the military or would be willing to sacrifice your own children, is bullshit.

The same Liberals who chastise Bush’s military record gave a pass to Clinton. Democrats, who never before supported the Military, now keep a daily body count. Lefties who grew up supporting “freedom fighters” now pay only lip service to the millions of brave Afghans and Iraqis facing down Islamo fascists. I’ll bet most liberals don’t know even one American soldier or anyone who has a son or daughter serving much less one who’s died in Iraq. My guess is that their primary fixation with the daily body count is solely to demoralize American public opinion in the hope that Bush will lose his resolve and withdraw; Iraq will fail and thereby provide a political opportunity for Democrats to regain power. If I’m wrong, then what’s their plan for installing Democracy in Iraq and how’s it gonna be better than Bush’s? Its one thing to criticize and another to offer constructive ideas.

You Liberals really gotta stop watching CNN.

As to ideas, how about this one: If the Left wants to insist, that everyone who supports American Policy in Iraq enlist or shut up, then why not require those who protest our Iraq policy, to accept taxation without representation or shut up? If denying Liberals an opportunity to vote sounds ridiculous – then one can see how the Left's new “moral authority” test sounds to the majority of Americans who just re-elected Mr. Bush.

Sunday, August 14, 2005

Denver Post Doubles Down on Bush

Congratulations to the Denver Post editorial staff for inventing a new genera of Journalism – The Repeating Opinion Piece (ROP). In its Sunday edition (8/14/05), John Aloysius Farrell got to slam the Bush Administration on Page One, 2nd-term doldrums Analysis and then he got to repeat all his best shots (often verbatim) on the front page of Second A Section, The Nation.
More examples of ROP are found in the same edition, page 10A, Social Security 70th birthday and James Roosevelt Jr.’s guest commentary in Perspective. Both pieces use the exact same 1935 photograph and both hammer away at Bush’s efforts to save Soc. Sec. When they just can’t distort the record of this Republican Administration enough, first time through, why not just repeat the same stuff again later on in the same paper? Genius! But why stop there? How about bashing Bush on every page? Why report on trivial stuff like Sports and Travel when they could be ripping the President a new one in every article? A few weeks of that innovative journalism and maybe everybody will learn to hate George Bush just like those guys do. In the meanwhile they can get ad support from Air America Radio, NARAL and George Soros’ Center for American Progress, whoops, my mistake, out of business, sorry.

Congratulations to the Denver Post editorial staff for inventing a new genera of Journalism – The Repeating Opinion Piece (ROP). In its Sunday edition (8/14/05), John Aloysius Farrell got to slam the Bush Administration on Page One, 2nd-term doldrums Analysis and then he got to repeat all his best shots (often verbatim) on the front page of Second A Section, The Nation.
More examples of ROP are found in the same edition, page 10A, Social Security 70th birthday and James Roosevelt Jr.’s guest commentary in Perspective. Both pieces use the exact same 1935 photograph and both hammer away at Bush’s efforts to save Soc. Sec. When they just can’t distort the record of this Republican Administration enough, first time through, why not just repeat the same stuff again later on in the same paper? Genius! But why stop there? How about bashing Bush on every page? Why report on trivial stuff like Sports and Travel when they could be ripping the President a new one in every article? A few weeks of that innovative journalism and maybe everybody will learn to hate George Bush just like those guys do. In the meanwhile they can get ad support from Air America Radio, NARAL and George Soros’ Center for American Progress, whoops, my mistake, out of business, sorry.

Congratulations to the Denver Post editorial staff for inventing a new genera of Journalism – The Repeating Opinion Piece (ROP)…….

Saturday, August 06, 2005

Ode to Ed Stein*

Ed Stein-
he hates people of faith and the hockey faithful,
he hates Bush’s America and Canada’s game,
he thinks progress means Denver is dead,
me thinks he took a puck to the head.

*Rocky Mt. News, Political Cartoonist