Monday, June 27, 2005

Aspen,CO - Dog Prison

On a recent visit to Aspen/Snowmass I met many fine, friendly folks who’ve come to call these communities their home and saw for myself the natural beauty for which the area is famous. Unfortunately, I also discovered the Dog Prison @ Krabloonik. I learned that civic pressure recently ended the long-standing practice of “firing squad” executions for senior dogs but the chaining of these proud pooches to the scorched, barren earth continues. Sadly, the adjacent rustic-yet-elegant restaurant was closed for the season. After all, what could be better than dining with close family or old friends just yards away from where these majestic mutts are being warehoused indefinitely. Too bad I missed the natural and organic products offered at the legendary Krablooknik served just within “howling” distance from actual, caged-canines.
How is it possible for locals to allow such a facility to exist in their midst? Are the same people who deride our Military’s treatment of Terrorists in Guantanamo Bay turning a blind-eye to much worse atrocities in their own backyard? In Gitmo, violent murderers are given air-conditioning, prayer rugs, Halla-prepared meals and Korans. At the Krablooknik Gulag, hard-working sled dogs are left out in the hot, summer sun on dry, parched ground, given no Kibble & Bits, Begg’in Strips or even discarded Béarnaise sauce from the nearby Krabloonik kitchen. And when it comes to being held without specific charges for undetermined periods of time…at least the bad guys at Gitmo don’t get shot when their usefulness is exhausted.
As if this hypocrisy of Aspen’s Liberal elite was not enough, it turns out that none other than Michael Eisner, the Warden of the Magic Kingdom himself, owns a vacation home right next door to the Kennels @ Krabloonik. Here’s a suggestion; Stop your “Mickey Mouse” second-guessing about running a prison for murderous terrorists, 4,000 miles away, and take care of a truly “Goofy” situation right where y’all live and work. If you want to make a real difference, try treating your Alpine animals at least as well as the Administration treats captured Islamo-Terrorists.

Friday, June 10, 2005

Fromma Harrop Evangelical Saviour

Only in a parallel universe would Froma Harrop’s advice to religious conservatives, Commentary, 6/10/05, Religious Conservative Need to Look at Substance Over Style, be taken seriously. Perched from her self-exalted seat on the moral high ground, Harrop ridicules Conservatives for having less real compassion than Liberals, derides President Bush’s “values agenda” as just window-dressing and chastises Republicans as “all talk – no action” on “pro-life” issues. In an obvious and hopeless attempt to marginalize and fractionalize Persons of Faith, Harrop gleefully imagines a world where only big-money corporations control the political agenda and religious conservatives are disregarded.

Hello, to Harrop.

In the 130 days since the second Bush Administration was sworn-in, Justices Owens, Brown, Pryor, Griffin and McKeague have been seated, Assistant Attorney General Christopher A. Wray just announced that the Criminal Division of the Justice Department is establishing an Obscenity Prosecution Task Force dedicated exclusively to the investigation and prosecution of obscenity cases and President Bush has threatened to veto Stem Cell legislation that “destroys life in order to save life”. Additionally, President Bush has made a public effort to get the Senate to vote on and approve a measure backing parents' involvement in a teenager's abortion decision. While the House has passed a version of the bill on three occasions, the latest on a very strongly bipartisan 270-157 vote, the Senate has never voted on it -- in part because pro-abortion lawmakers have held it up. On the State level, Lawmakers in Wisconsin and Kansas recently pushed ahead on efforts to amend their constitutions' to ban gay marriage and Utah's Legislature has agreed to put the question to its voters.

Certainly, Harrop knows that any further action on the proposed Marriage Amendment to the Constitution depends on how well the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) holds up. For ol’ Fromma to claim that (it) has been forgotten by the Administration demonstrates either her ignorance or contempt. Finally, Harrop bemoans that; the Democratic Party has a cultural and stylistic disadvantage in attracting religious conservatives, especially in the South. Yeah, I’d say that Liberal ideals such as, “the Culture of Death”, “Hate America First” and “Homosexual Marriage” would be difficult to sell to religious conservatives and that no matter how much “style” the Democrats have, it’ll never be enough to mask who they really are.

In the real universe, Fromma Harrop should limit her advise to Democrats, religious or not. I'm sure they'd really benefit from hearing her sanctimonious sarcasm as Religious Conservatives gradually reclaim control of our American culture.


Thursday, June 02, 2005

Social Security Rx: Performance Enhancement

In his column, Fixes abound, but choosing is tough (3/13/05 Denver Post), John Aloysius Farrell contends that if only all us Puritan’s had adopted the Left’s prescription of “Free Love”, our future worker to retiree ratio in Social Security would be just fine. Farrell even bemoans the fact that our current Conservative Congress would oppose mandating new Federal legislation to accomplish (his) desire for more liberal-social engineering. From where I sit, there’s been no shortage of sex, only a shortage of babies born into America’s work force. If trying to mix social policy with fiscal programs is (his) goal, then perhaps the real question for Aloysius Farrell to ponder is “what shape would the Social Security system be in if our Country hadn’t sanctioned the abortion of 40 million future contributors?”. And by the way John, in general, how would you say that little Roe v. Wade thing is workin’ out so far? Do you like how that miracle of liberal jurisprudence has served to unite all Americans as never before, or like with Social Security, could it be that you, along with millions of others, are just now recognizing that there really is a problem, for which the do-nothing approach is no longer viable?

Caution: If after 40 continuous years of heightened sexual activity, free love and Viagra your society has failed to keep (its) birthrate up, it is recommended to see a doctor of a different political and cultural persuasion than John Aloysius Farrell.