Bush vs. Kerry, a Jewish perspective
Leonard Felder, Los Angeles, CA (“Bush bad for Israel,” Intermountain Jewish News, Sept. 24, 2004, stated that George W. Bush is not a dependable friend to the Jews. He asserts that Kerry would be OK if only we Jewish folks knew the real John Kerry. Oh really? Would that be the John Kerry who, speaking in October to the Arab American Institute in Michigan said: “I know how disheartened Palestinians are by the Israeli government's decision to build the barrier off of the Green Line – cutting deep into Palestinian areas”? What about the John Kerry who voted against stopping Saddam‘s advance into Kuwait? Or does Felder mean the John Kerry who recently claimed on Letterman, that if he had to do it all over again, he would not have enforced the UN resolution and deposed the “Butcher of Baghdad”. On the other hand, it was President Bush who led in the removal of Israel’s greatest threat and avowed enemy – Saddam Hussain, the “Hamen” of our day. And, it is Pres. Bush who has isolated Arafat, thereby forcing the Palestinian people to choose new leadership and to reject Terrorism themselves. Bush knows that while building a Palestinian middle-class is desirable, it won’t happen while a corrupt PLO steals most of the money designated for economic development. In his letter, Felder goes on to bash the President for his religious convictions, his Faith-Based Initiative program and for not inventing free, perpetual-energy, curing cancer and ushering in the age of the Messiah. Like so many Beverly Hills liberals, Felder worships at the alter of sexual and abortive freedoms but not public freedoms. Kerry is a walking political time bomb for American Jews. If he were to be elected, what would happen when he sits down with the leaders of “old” Europe and the Arab countries to build his “more intelligent” coalition? In order to garner their support will he succumb to their demands to “throw Israel over the cliff”? It's a scary thought. The man is dangerous. He's unscrupulous. He's an ambitious political flip-flopper who would do and say whatever it takes to be elected. He's a hypocrite beyond description. He's a privileged rich boy who wants the ultimate toy to play with – the U.S. government's executive branch. When it comes to this election, Jewish voters throughout the Rocky Mountain region don’t need a meddling, LA liberal telling us which guy is the real deal.