Yosi is a Bigot
After reading Election: A wake up call to Jewish Democrats (IJN 11/12/04), I regret to say that many statements by its author, Yosef Abromowitz, smack of bigotry and racism. John Kerry loses an election to President Bush and in the opinion of Mr. Abromowitz, it’s because all those Red-State, Christian Evangelicals just haven’t been “enlightened” enough with (his) Jewish values. Which specific Jewish values, Abromowitz repeatedly refers to, are never identified in his “call to arms” against an assumed Republican ignorance and lack of compassion. Living in a Blue State and being able to string together a couple of $2 words, hardly qualifies Mr. Abromowitz to pass judgment on the moral values of 60 million Americans and 22% of American Jews. Over the course of this past campaign, and now in its aftermath as well, the irrational and prejudicial fears about Christians taking over the Government, advanced by Jews like Abromowitz, have been both condescending and offensive. For more about this, read Charles Krauthammer @ www.nydailynews.com/news/ideas_opinions/story/251826p-215612c.html.
When you get past Abromowitz’s derogatory rhetoric and look at actual Jewish values, such as tzdakah, it’s the people of Red State America who give far more per capita to charity. According to, The Generosity Index, compiled by The Catalogue For Philanthropy, not one Blue State ranked in the top 25 in 2004. Observant Jews are far more likely to oppose abortion, favor traditional marriage and support the President’s faith-based initiatives than your average Blue State elitist. And, just as the Torah teaches us right and wrong, we learn that the real world is fundamentally more black and white, than it is intellectually gray. So much for Sen. Kerry claiming to be “smarter and more effective” and so much for the “wide range of ideas” of Mr. Abromowitz’s “more thoughtful constituency”.
Beyond his obvious distain for Conservative values, Abromowitz wrongly assumes, that in 2004, Jewish voters negated the issue of Israel altogether. Israel’s security has always been the number one concern of American Jews, it remained so in this past election and even a fearing-mongering, (self-proclaimed) morally-superior, leading, independent, intellectual CEO like Mr. Abromowitz, could not have questioned the unequivocal, rock-solid support, for Israel, of George W. Bush. In this past election, more Jews voted Republican than ever before and, if effete liberals continue to issue “wake up calls” by demeaning America’s Christian majority, more and more Jews will reject the racist and religious bigotry of Democrats, like Yosef Abromowitz.