Footprints in the Sand
Now that the President has directly answered his critics, by outlining specific details regarding the progress and status of the Iraqi military, they say that the large American “footprint” has created the Insurgency. Perhaps it would help to understand just how large that footprint actually is? As a ratio of the total Iraqi population (23,000,000), the 160,000 U.S. troops equate to 1 out of every 150. If the average male footprint (size ten) were 40 sq. inches, then the entire Coalition would be no bigger than a toenail on the littlest toe. Is that really a big enough presence to cause terrorists from outside Iraq to walk hundreds of miles through the desert to fight Americans? If all the U.S. troops in Iraq were gathered in the Rose Bowl and Dodger Stadium would anyone even notice them as compared to the entire population of California? If your favorite Major League Baseball team won every game during an entire season (approx. 164) and only lost once, would you consider it a “failed” season – of course not! And let’s remember, that except for special periods around elections, the U.S. “footprint” has been more in the area of 120,000 troops. In a world of shoe analogies, I guess you could call this one darn near “petite”.
With all the “good news” now being reported from Baghdad, I wouldn’t be surprised if in a year from now, democrats are complaining that we’re “out-sourcing” too many quality jobs to Iraq. Considering that gas is falling to below $2/gallon, the Dow is bumping up against 11,000 and Holiday retail sales are well above year ago levels, at least liberals will have something to complain about. As for me, the only footprints I care about are the ones the U.S. and Iraqi military are stamping on the rear ends of Terrorist everywhere.