Perhaps the Mainstream Media (MSM) has created such a negative impression of the new State of Iraq, that a 70% voter turn-out in the most recent election truly shocked, even the most uninformed observer. As a result, the MSM had no choice but to positively report on this event. I can’t say where I saw it, but one Iraqi interviewed on TV, about voting under threat of terrorist retaliation said, “Give me Liberty or give me Death.” Patrick Henry himself would be proud.
I thought President Bush did a fine job in his nationally televised Prime Time speech. And while I agree with most, if not all of what he said, I would have preferred to have heard him say, “My Fellow Americans, tonight I can report to you that the police action in Iraq is progressing nicely. We are kicking the crap out of the terrorists, the latest election went better than we had hoped for and eventually Saddam and his top henchmen will go the way of Tookie Williams. Truthfully, I see much bigger problems right here in our own backyard; out-of-control liberal commentators, disloyal Democrats and out and out treason at the New York Times. Well, I’m happy to announce that as I am speaking, special units of the U.S. military have occupied the offices and plant at the New York and L.A. Times, their ownership, management and news staffs are being rounded up and will be immediately confined to secret Concentration Camps located in foreign countries that have not signed the Geneva Convention. I know that it was just the New York Times which committed treason by releasing the NSA spy story this past week, but I thought we should throw in the L.A. times just for good measure. As for these whiny, mealy-mouthed Democrats that keep complaining about our use of “torture” to squeeze Al Qaida – I’ve decided they are right! No longer will we use torture on our declared enemies, instead we’ll use it on these panty-waisted Democrats starting with Nancy Pelosi, Chucky Schumer and Howard Dean. I don’t think they have a lick of useful information between ‘em, but won’t it be satisfying just to hear them screaming for their mommies! And by the way, I’ve got an Iron Maiden in my office with John Kerry’s name all over it. As to those absolutely annoying liberal commentators jamming up the public airwaves, I ‘ve decided to deport every last one of them to Iran. We’ll be waiting with baited- breath to hear how they like living under Ayatollah Ahmadinejad and his concern for their Civil Liberties. For five years I’ve tried to get along with these people but just like the Sunnis in Iraq, liberal Democrats are in the minority, that’s M-I-N-O-R-I-T-Y, for those of you in Rio Linda, and its high time they realize that enough is enough – no more Mr. Nice Guy. And as for their endless calls for me to apologize for something, anything – I’m sorry I interrupted your little Desperate Housewives show to deliver this address, but I wanted you to hear it first.
Thank you, and good night.”