Liberal Press lies
Rocky Mountain News, political baffoonist, Ed Stein is so lame he has to lie to try to get laughs. His cartoon (3/21/07) showing President Bush proclaiming that he wants “Four More Years (in Iraq)” is the kind of lie that Stein hopes readers start to believe, when in fact, it’s the President’s political opponents who want withdrawal deadlines and unworkably-short ones at that. Given Stein’s political bias, it’s no surprise that he sees nothing disingenuous about how his fellow liberals claim to ‘support the troops’ while climbing all over each other, to be the first to force a retreat from (their) mission. Instead, Stein puts words (never spoken) in Bush’s mouth to distract attention from what the ‘cut & run’ democrats are actually all about.
Admittedly, the President’s steadfast resolve to prevail over al-Qaida and in Iraq is reflected in lowered popularity polls. But, even those surveys show that some 35 percent of Americans stand firmly with their Commander and Chief. Nonetheless, during a just concluded, 22-day period, the RMN ran 24 political cartoons that were critical of the Bush Administration, its Iraq policy or Republicans in general, while during that same time period, it ran only three cartoons lampooning democrats. A similar ratio applied to all Editorials and Opinion pieces.
While the Rocky might be ‘balanced’ on economic and civic issues, a simple accounting shows that with regard to ‘anything Bush’ (its) reporting, editorials and political cartoons are decidedly biased against the President. And, when it comes to Ed Stein’s personal brand of political venom, he never lets a little thing like the truth get in his way – after all, what fun would that be?