Can Kerry do the right thing?
Winning the Dem. Primaries – Expensive
Campaigning for President – Divisive
Not getting elected – Priceless!
A great, once-in-a-lifetime opportunity awaits John Kerry the morning of November 3rd. Having been defeated, in what surely has become the most contentious national election ever, Sen. Kerry (D-Mass.) could seize that unique moment in time to do what no other human being on the face of the earth can. For that one-day and one day only, Mr. Kerry will hold in his hands the power to transform his election loss into a great victory for every American, every Iraqi, every Afghan, every Israeli, every European, every Russian, every Chinese, every Korean and every peaceful Palestinian. For about 12 hours that Wednesday, John Kerry will hold the key to improving the lives of every Catholic, every Protestant, every Jew and almost all Muslims. Every person of faith and every atheist, every Democrat and every Republican will look one last time to the Junior Senator from Massachusetts for national leadership and international inspiration. Even a re-elected President Bush, his Cabinet and staff will be unable to transform our world anywhere near what Mr. Kerry could with but one command decision and pronouncement. After a public career, spanning over 30 years, John F. Kerry will finally be poised to make the world a better place, to advance the cause of freedom and to strengthen our democracy for generations to come. Will he rise to that occasion? Will he set aside personal ambition? Will he do the right thing? History tells us that he won’t. The odds in Vegas are surely stacked heavily against it and it would permanently send the political pundits packing.
Imagine John Kerry gracefully conceding defeat, calling off all the legal challenges and refusing to follow in the footsteps of Al Gore. Think about the power Mr. Kerry will have, albeit for just a short while, to be a “uniter not a divider”, to help an acrimonious America take a giant step back from the rancor and vitriol that has come to exemplify modern party politics. Sen. Kerry could tell all Americans that there is not, and never was, any truth to the Administration secretly planning to reinstate the Draft. No boy or girl, mom or dad need fear unwanted military service. He could say, that in the heat of the campaign, some bad political advice was allowed to rise to the surface and he regrets it. He could go on to say much the same about Social Security “privatization”. That while the current general budget deficit is a matter of growing concern, no current retiree need worry about “getting their checks”. Kerry should state for the record that despite many fallen soldiers, Iraq is not Vietnam and that it is normal and even expected for our Military, to adjust its tactics based on changing conditions, required to fight and defeat the terrorist gangs operating in Iraq. He should say, that in the future, if he has a better, smarter way to fight the War on Terrorism, he will do everything he can to help the Administration succeed, rather than criticize its efforts. Kerry’s display of unity will go a long way towards bringing, not only disaffected Democrats but Europeans and Arab peoples, back to America’s side in this worldwide effort to combat radical Islamic fundamentalism and make our County more secure.