3x a charm
Raised by Liberals in the wilds of Minnesota. Knew Thomas Friedman, the bootlick. Awoke into a world of Conservative ideas when Dems. defended the indefensible - Bubba! Observing the Revolution from the comfort of home.
When the
I was surprised to learn that most of the speculation in this market was actually being conducted by Public Pension Funds; Labor Unions, Teachers Unions, Public Employee Unions all desperately looking for windfall profits to subsidize their onerous fiscal obligations to retirees. How ironic, the very special interest groups who contribute exclusively to elect democrats, now are revealed to be the ones who are profiting on the backs of the working poor, small businesspeople and consumers (women and children hit hardest) through questionable speculative trading.
Congressman Jay Inslee (d –WA) asked representatives of the Trucking and Airline Industries why they now needed Congress to solve (their) problem (high fuel costs) with new government regulation of the Futures Market? The answer is that Congressional Democrats have caused this problem by restricting the Oil Company’s exploration for more supply, through regulation.
When it comes to the high cost of oil & gas, democrats are squeezing both the supply and the price. Meanwhile, they’re blaming Big Oil, Enron-like speculators and, of course, President Bush.
Otterbama: Ladies and gentlemen, I'll be brief. The issue here is not whether I broke my promise to abide by campaign spending limits or took a few liberties with the truth, about my close association with George Soros and MoveOn.Org -- I did. But you can't hold my campaign responsible for the behavior of a few angry, Blame-America-First, individual Leftists. For if you do, then shouldn't we blame the whole democrat party? And if the whole democrat party is guilty, then isn't this an indictment of our political institutions in general? I put it to you, Mr. McCain... isn't this an indictment of our entire American society? Well, you can say what you want about me, but I’m not going to sit here and listen to you badmouth the
In his most Current Screed, former musical entertainer turned partisan hate-monger, Garrison Keillor gushes ad nauseum his growing arousal for that “skinny young black guy” – Barack Obama (There’s a lot to catch your eye in Obama, 6/14/08). Keillor concludes by saying, “that when Obama launches forth [against his political foes], he is throwing nothing but strikes.”
Strike One! Obama kicks Pastor Wright and his entire religious community of 20 years to the curb.
Strike Two! Obama tosses out his just convicted political patron - Tony Rezko, his long-time political supporters, convicted Felons – Bill Ayers and Bernadine Dohrn along with numerous anti-Semitic and anti-Israel foreign policy advisors.
Strike Three! Obama forces out VP Search Committee Chairman, Jim Johnson who got $7,000,000 of special ‘Ear Marked’ loans.
For once I agree with Keillor, Obama has thrown strikes – but the only ones making it over the plate are ‘friendly-fire’ shots killing-off his own people and his own past. The question is, by the time Election Day rolls around will ANYONE from Obama’s past still
be left on his team or will they have all struck out?
Recently, a small news item buried in my local paper reported that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi visited Iraq and was quoted as saying that she, “welcomed that country’s progress in passing a budget as well as oil legislation and a bill paving the way for the provincial elections in the Fall that are expected to more equitably redistribute power among local officials.” Only three months earlier she told CNN, “The purpose of the surge was to create a secure time for the government of
A year before the democrats’ “no political progress” argument was disproved, Sen. Harry Reid (D-NV) proclaimed, “Now I believe myself . . . that this war is lost, and that the surge is not accomplishing anything.” By Dec. ’07, Rep. John Murtha (D-Pa.), one the top war critics, stunned fellow democrats with his statement that "the surge is working." Murtha's view was backed by Rep. Norm Dicks (D-Wash.), who also said the surge worked after he returned from
Before President Bush ordered the Surge, democrats uniformly proclaimed that
Today, the standard democrat line is that
Every democrat argument against the Bush policy in
After three days of glowing 'All Obama, All The Time' coverage by the Rocky Mountain News (RMN), I wasn't the least bit surprised that the Rocky didn't report a single word about the conviction of Tony Rezko. Found guilty on 16 counts of Fraud and Influence Peddling, this Southside Chicago developer and political operative, was instrumental in the financing of Barack Obama's rise to power. Additionally, Rezko made a sweetheart land deal with Obama to help him purchase his modest $1.8 million home.
Today's NYTimes quoted Obama saying, “This isn’t the Tony Rezko I knew.” Obama said much the same things about Rev. Jeremiah Wright and Father Pfleger after they demeaned White People and damned America. On his way to the democrat nomination, Obama has also thrown his old friends and convicted 60's bomb-throwers, Bill Ayers and Bernadine Dohrn, under the proverbial bus while demanding that the Media give his wife a 'free pass' whenever she opens her mouth and blames-American-first. By the time democrats invade Denver this Summer, will there be ANY former friends, family or supporters of Obama left standing?
Maybe the RMN will be inclined to report on Rezko's sentencing in September, provided that he doesn't plead out before then and implicate Obama directly in more unsavory political conduct.