Sen. Norm Niedemeyer (R-MN) - "This meeting of the Fraternity Relations Committee is called to order. We'll waive minutes and proceed directly to the bogus charges against Pledge Bolton, charges so purposely perverted and discustingly petty that decorum prevents me from reading them here today - faithfully submitted, four,nineteen 2005, Sen. Norman Niedemeyer - Sargent-at-Arms."
Dean Lugar (R-IN) - "Hearing nothing but obstructionist objections I call for the vote on Bolton, all in favor say aye....."
Sen. Pinto Sarbanes (D-MD) - "What the hey - we still have an hour to smear."
Dean Lugar - "I think we've heard enough debate, let's finish this thing."
Dem. Causus (in unison) "Hatchet-job!", "blow-job!"
Sen. Katie Pelosi (D-CA) - "shut up you assholes!"
Sen. Boone Kerry (D-MA) - "I was told I'd have a chance to speak and speak and speak and....."
Dean Lugar: "You'll get your chance smart-guy- get on with it, you'll speak when you're spoken to and not before!"
Sen. Joseph Otter (D-DE) - "Point of parlimentary proceedure!"
Sen. Hoover Dodd (D-CT) - "Otter, don't fuck around with these Republicans, I think they're really serious about this nomination."
Sen. Otter - "Trust me I'm pre-pared."
Sen. Boone - "I thought you were pre-judiced."
Sen. Otter - "What's the dif?"...... "Gentlemen, the question here is not are we trying to crucify Mr. Bolton and have we taken a few liberties with the truth....we have!.....but if you wish to silence those who of us have no actual substinative objections to this nominee..... then, is that not an indictment of our entire phoney-baloney obstructionist opposition? And if you think our entire Minority caucus is full-of-shit, then is that not an indictment of the whole Democrat Party? And IF you believe that that is the case, then is this not actually an indictment of our entire Liberal "just say No" agenda for the 21rst century? Well, you can do what you want to us Norm, but we're not going to sit here and listen to you bad-mouth the entire Advise and Consent process!....Gentlemen....
Dem. caucus (humming together) "Oho say can you see, by the dawn's early light, what so proudly we sing at the twilight's last gleaming...humm, humm, humm....hummmmmm, ect."
Dean Lugar - "That's it you Dems., no more witnesses, no more bullshit allegations, I'm calling Mr. Nees at your Nat'l. office, you're not walking out on this one....and if you wise-guys try one more politically-motivated parlimentary proceedure were going to revoke your Filibuster!"
Sen. "Flounder" Voinavich (R-OH) - "Excuse me mister Chairman, I missed the previous hearing, in fact, I skipped ALL the previous sessions, but based on the obvious lies and partisan hyperventalating I've heard here today, I think that allowing the Dems. more time to continue piling-on Bolton is somehow warrented? "
Dean Lugar - "Due to Sen. Flounder playing hooky and being out-to-lunch in his "kitchen", I am increasingly reluctant to drop the hammer on you despicable Democrats, at this time."
Sen. Hoover - "Dean Lugar, this may not be the best time to ask, but do you think you could see your way to giving us Dems. just one more chance to dig up more dirt on Bolton?"